Quality Policy Statement

Prime Health Medical Diagnostic Lab (Pvt) Ltd t/a Diagnostic Laboratory Suppliers is a Private Limited company with more than a decade of experience priding itself in timely delivery of diagnostic, medical and surgical equipment, reagents and accessories to its clients.

In an endeavor to fulfill our promise of a quality service to our customers, Diagnostic Laboratory Suppliers’ top Management has established, implemented, maintains and continually improves a Quality Management System that conforms to the requirements of ZWS ISO 9001:2015.

In pursuit of our Vision, Diagnostic Laboratory Suppliers is committed to:

  • Developing, maintaining and continually improving a framework for setting quality objectives and measurable targets that support its strategic direction
  • Continual review and improvement of our Quality Management System
  • Provision of suitable and adequate resources for the effective operation of our business processes and activities
  • Continual relevant Human Capital Development and talent retention
  • Implement and regularly review the effectiveness of the quality management system
  • Continual monitoring and review of requirements emanating from relevant interested parties
  • Communicating and ensuring understanding of this policy within Diagnostic Laboratory Suppliers.

This Quality Policy shall:

  1. Be available and maintained as documented information
  2. Be communicated, understood and applied within Diagnostic Laboratory Suppliers
  3. Be availed to relevant interested parties, as appropriate

Our Values

Customer focus   |   Teamwork   |   Innovation   |   Professionalism   |   Efficiency